
Find all my video lessons on Shot Put & Discus at

Mac’s lessons on

We are revising, updating and migrating our video lessons from The Wilkins Review to CoachTube.

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What’s your “POP”?
My goal is to enrich & enhance your POP (Perception of Power)

Your POP is what you think and feel and do to make it go farther.  The richer, more detailed, and more accurate your POP, the better you can teach or execute the throw.  If you can’t see it or feel it in your mind’s eye how will you explain it to your athletes, how will you execute the throw when you are competing?  My goal is to address old common errors with a different perspective.  This does NOT mean the Laws of Physics will change based on my mood.  These are issues you face every day as a coach or thrower.  Finding better ways to communicate is the coach’s goal and what we deliver to you.


 Discus Orbit Machine

East German Discus Trainer
Every garage in the US should have one!

Actually, there are only 2 or 3 of these machines in the world, all in Germany.


The Bottom Line: The Power Position

Strengthen your power position, then consistently get there.

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